

So we had the Print/Bake sale on Saturday. I didn't stay for the entire thing, but it seemed to go well. People were interested in the prints and baked goodies. The outcome seemed to be good as well, got us half way to the goal for the end year exhibition. :) Unfortunately my print did not sell, but that's ok.
I sold my open house piece, though. Torn:
So that was good. :)

This is my latest photo:

I unfortunately had to do this late. Damn being sick. (evil eyes to the boyfriend). I hope I can make it through tomorrow. Since the past two days after a few hours I die and need to sleep. lol. At least so far this eve I've been ok. *crosses fingers* for tomorrow.


Magida El-Kassis said...

great photo crys!!
I love the tones in that picture (danger photo)

Sooo stoked to lurk you every day.

Crystal Wiesner said...

Haha.. Yay! I have a lurker! lol..