

Today I've decided, from inspiration by Magida's blog, to start my own blog. I will attempt to keep a blog of what is going on. Though I have many failed attempts to maintain a blog, maybe this time it'll stick. For a bit, at least.
Today was an ok day. I'm struggling to figure out my shoots that I need to do tomorrow for the crit next week. I'll pull it off, somehow. Glad I don't have to work.
I need to figure out how to change up this blog. It sucks. Ha.
Must remember to do some scanning tomorrow. Stop being lazy!
And she kissed the frog!.. I'm struggling with Jack & the bean stock. Still not too sure how I want to do it. :S.. Gotta figure it out soon.

I bought some snow peas, unfortunately the grocery store didn't have any pea pods, they would have been better. I also bought some kidney beans. I'll try to find something.

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